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Physical Therapy for Hip Pain

Hip Pain Symptoms and Causes

Hip pain, also known as hip bursitis, is a common problem that affects millions of people worldwide. Patients experience hip pain while walking and can be so severe that normal activity becomes nearly impossible. Hip pain can present itself with bone, muscle, tendon, ligament or cartilage damage. For many people, hip pain is particularly associated with age-related joint damage. It is estimated that one in four people will suffer from hip injuries, or degeneration, by the time they reach their mid-eighties.

Hip pain can happen for several reasons, such as bone abnormalities and loss, joint movement deteriorations and muscles and other tissues weakness around the joint that are more common in older patients. This can lead to chronic pain, along with a decrease in the ability for a person to move and function normally.

Hip Pain Treatment

Hip pain treatment depends on whether or not it involves infection. If infection is not present, it can be treated with home remedies that include ice compresses, rest and anti-inflammatory and pain medications. Cortisone injection is typically rapidly effective and helps patient recover in a few days. This is sometimes accompanied with the aspiration procedure. Patients with hip bursitis can often see pain and inflammation reduction with:

  • Weight loss
  • Stretching exercises
  • Wearing proper footwear for exercise activities.
  • Physical therapy

Generally, patients experiencing hip bursitis should avoid inclines, hills and stairs and direct pressure on the affected hip when sleeping.

Hip Replacement Surgery

Hip replacement surgery is needed in cases of a damaged or failing joint. It must be operated on to remove it and replace it with a synthetic prosthesis. Another option is to repair the joint by augmenting the bone with synthetic material until it conforms to a normal shape and function again.

Infectious (Septic) Bursitis

Although rare in the hip, infectious bursitis requires further evaluation and treatment by a doctor. The bursa fluid needs to be examined in the laboratory to identify the precise bacteria causing the infection. Treatment for septic bursitis requires antibiotic therapy, often intravenously. Some patients require repeated aspiration of the infected fluid. In more serious cases, surgical drainage

and removal of the infected bursa sac (bursectomy) may also be necessary.

For most patients, physical therapy will help in the recovery from hip pain. Contact us today to schedule an appointment with the best physical therapist in NYC.

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